Monday, November 30, 2009


Sickness and other difficulties that we undergo in this worldly life should not only be seen as a misfortune or as an expression of the displeasure of Allah Ta'ala. For those servants of Allah who enjoy a very special relationship with Him, it is a mean of great blessing and a mercy. Is there anyone in this world who is free from sins and mistakes? If every soul were to be fully recompensed for its every action, then apart from the sinless Prophets of Allah, the Ambiyaa (Alaihimus salaam), nobody...
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Sunday, November 29, 2009


Life is beautiful, and everyone knows that this is true. But still it can be very difficult to find a way to believe it.Sometimes we can get so caught up in trying to just survive, that we can sometimes easily forget just how beautiful the things around us truly are.When is the last time that you stopped and took the time to enjoy the smell of a tea rose, a fresh ripe cantaloupe, or some piping hot biscuits early in the morning?When is the last time that you stopped and looked at a bug do something...
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009


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Monday, November 23, 2009

remember ALLAH wherever you are....

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Friday, November 20, 2009


Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?” [Surah ar-Rahman; 55:13]1. Start off each day with ‘adhkaar al-istiyqaadh’ (waking up Supplications), thanking Allah for waking up in good shape.2. Put Allah first in your life.3. Broaden your horizons - learn 5 new verses from the Quran every day, travel to pray far in the mosque to brighten your day,take up a booklet having supplications and read them.4. Pray Salaat Al-dhuhaa (after sunrise).5. If someone says something mean; to you, just...
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009


People naturally like to express their happiness towards those who show them a little courtesy or kindness. For example, he would be very happy if a person welcomes him to his home and offers him whatever he likes, especially if the host is a sensitive person who offers whatever is needed before being asked to do so. Similarly, a person who is suffering from a serious illness and who regains his health due to a doctor’s treatment will not know how to thank him appropriately. The same is true for...
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009


From an Islamic perspective health is viewed as one of the greatest blessings that God has bestowed on mankind. It should be noted that the greatest blessing after belief is health, as narrated in the following Hadith:The final messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mounted the pulpit, then wept and said, "Ask Allah (swt) for forgiveness and health, for after being granted certainty, one is given nothing better than health." Related in Tirmidhi Health is indeed a favour that we take for granted....
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Friday, November 13, 2009


The disease of pride and arrogance deletes all traces of goodness and piety. This is the worst vice in causing havoc to Deen and a regrettable disease to have for the followers of this perfect and exalted religion. It launches a direct attack on beliefs and principles. If ignored and overlooked for sometime it becomes fatal and incurable, and gives rise to other spiritual maladies and vices, which are no less than four in number, as, mentioned below:1. Being deprived of truth and truthfulness....
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