Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Be Steadfast Like a Mirror

Philosophers have often held certain essential qualities to be ideals for what exists in the world. A mirror is something that presents qualities. It does not bring about any distortion to the essence of the person whose image it reflects. This is why Muslim scholars encourage people to adopt the mirror’s qualities into their behavior. Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) says, “A Muslim is the mirror for his fellow Muslim.” In this article, I would like to highlight some of the mirror's qualities...
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Helping Others

Doing service for humanity is one of the greatest ways we can show our devotion to Allah. All of the revealed scriptures place great emphasis on helping others. In Islam, helping others and solving their problems is not only an important virtue, it is also a profound act of worship. It is a means of righteousness that promotes peace on Earth and allows us to earn Allah's eternal reward in the Hereafter. Allah likes it so much when we help others that He forgives us our sins for something as simple...
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