Saturday, August 29, 2009

Etiquette of Dua (or How To Supplicate to Allah)

As we spend more and more time reciting Dua’s during the holy months of Rajab, Shabaan, and Ramadhan, it is necessary to know the correct etiquette of Dua. Supplicating to the Almighty should be done in the appropriate manner – in the manner that Allah loves – in order to benefit fully from it. The following are some of the Etiquette of Dua

Begin with Bismillah

Praise and Glorify Allah

Send Blessings on Muhammad(SAW)

Acknowledgement of Sins

Pray emotionally

Pray for others

Whoever prays for others pleases the Almighty greatly.

Have confidence that Allah will answer your Prayers

When praying, the supplicant must have trust that Allah will answer his prayers. A Hadith says, Whenever you recite Dua, assume that what you need is at the door.

Please don’t forget us in your adiyaat (plural of dua’ – supplications), especially in the blessed month of Ramadhan, as well as throughout the year

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Best Times to make Du'a

There are certain times dua (supplication) is more likely to be accepted by Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) as mentioned by Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam). These times are as follows:

1. The Last Third Of The Night

2. Late at night

3. Between Adhan and Iqamah

4. An Hour On Friday

5. While Drinking Zamzam Water

6. While Prostrating

7. The Night Of 'Qadr' (Decree)

8. During The Rain

9 . At the Adhan

10. One Who Suffers from Injustice and Opression

11. Dua on the Day of Arafat

12. Dua during the month of Ramadan

13. Dua when the heart reaches out to Allah to be totally sincere

14 Dua of an obedient son/daughter .

15. Dua at midnight.

16. Dua after wudu

17. Dua after stoning the Jamarat at Hajj

18. Du'a made inside the Ka'bah

The Ka'bah is a sanctuary that has no comparison in the entire world. The du'a of one who prays inside the hijr is considered as being made inside the ka'bah, as it is part of the house (Baitullah). [This is the semicircle to the right of the Ka'bah if you face the door, opposite to the Yemeni corner and the Black stone wall.]
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lailatul Qadr : The Night of Power

Qadr means honour and dignity. Lailatul Qadr means the night of honour and dignity. It is this night in which the first Divine Revelation came to the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam, when he was in prayer in the cave of Hira. Since this night enjoys the honour of having the first revelation brought to the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam, it has been named Lailatul Qadr.

This is one of the holiest and most blessed nights, which is likely to occur on one of the odd nights on the last ten days of Ramadhan and most likely to be the 27th. The reward of worship on this night is better than the worship of a thousand months of worship, equivalent to a person's lifetime. So, on this night one should pray nafil namaz, recite the Quran, do Tasbih, Zikr, Duas, etc as much as possible.

This night had already opened its gates of treasures when the angel for the first time had come with the Divine Message in the cave of Hira, but its auspiciousness has continued to be with us permanently. Every year in the month of Ramadhan, this night is given to the Ummah. Muslims engage in prayers, recitation of Quran and praying to Allah, as the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam said: "The person who offered prayers to Allah in the night of Dignity with faith and with hope of reward from Allah, all his past sins have been forgiven." (Bukhaari)

As the rainy season is suitable for farming, similarly for the attainment of nearness to Allah, specific times , specific days and specific nights are most suitable, e.g. the time of Tahajjud prayers, Friday prayers, month of Ramadhan, the Day of Arafah, etc. So also the Night of Power is the most suitable night for attaining nearness to Allah.
In the Hadeeth, we have been asked to seek it in the last ten nights of the month of Ramadhan. Hazrat Aa'ishah radhiyallahu anhaa narrates that the Messenger of Allah sallalahu alayhi wasallam has said, 'Seek the night of Dignity in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadhan'.(Bukhaari).

By odd nights, the reference is made to the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th night of the month of Ramadhan. No one night has been fixed so that the yearning to find it may increase and people may spend more nights in worshipping Allah. From this aspect, the importance of `Itikaaf (seclusion) during the last ten days of Ramadhan is clear.

Some special prayers and Zikr for Laitul Qadr

1. Seeking Forgiveness.

Hazrat Aa'ishah radhiyallahu anhaa asked the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam that if she happened to get the night sublime what prayer should she say. The Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam replied that she should say the following prayer :

"Allahumma innaka afuwwun kareemun tuhib-bul af-wa fa-afo anni"
(O Allah, You are the One who grants pardon for sins, loves forgiving, so forgive me.)

2. Reciting Astaghfar.

The following should be recited as much as possible:

"Astaghfirullah hallazi la-ila-ha illa huwal Hayyul Qayyumo wa atu-bu ilaihe"
(I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Almighty, there is no God but He. He is self-Existent, the Eternal and I return to Him)

3. Reciting Surah `Inna anzalnahu...'

"Inna anzalnahu fee lailatul Qadr, Wa maa adraka maa lailatul Qadr.
Lailatul Qadri khairum min alfi shahr. Tanazzalul malai-katu var-roohu
fee ha bi izni Rabbihim min kulle amr. Salaamun heya hatta matla-il fajr."

4. Do Salatul Tasbih.

5. Do Afzul Zikr i.e. La ilaha illallah

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Saturday, August 22, 2009


Benefits of Ramadan

Ramadan is a period of fasting, reflection, devotion, generosity and sacrifice observed by Muslims around the world. While major holidays of other faiths have largely become commercialized events, Ramadan retains its intense spiritual meaning.

The word "Ramadan" comes from the Arabic root word for "parched thirst" and "sun-baked ground." It is expressive of the hunger and thirst felt by those who spend the month in fasting. As opposed to other holidays, when people often indulge, Ramadan is by nature a time of sacrifice.

* Through fasting, a Muslim experiences hunger and thirst, and sympathizes with those in the world who have little to eat every day.
* Through increased devotion, Muslims feel closer to their Creator, and recognize that everything we have in this life is a blessing from Him.
* Through increased charity, Muslims develop feelings of generosity and good-will toward others. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said, "A man's wealth is never diminished by charity."
* Through self-control, a Muslim practices good manners, good speech, and good habits.
* Through changing routines, Muslims have a chance to establish more healthy lifestyle habits -- particularly with regards to diet and smoking.
* Through family and community gatherings, Muslims strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood, in their own communities and throughout the world.
*Ramadan is a very special time for Muslims, but the feelings and lessons we experience should stay with us throughout the year. In the Qur'an, Muslims are commanded to fast so that they may "learn self-restraint" (Qur'an 2:183). This restraint and devotion is especially felt during Ramadan, but we all must strive to make the feelings and attitudes stay with us during our "normal" lives. That is the true goal and test of Ramadan.

May Allah accept our fasting, forgive our sins, and guide us all to the Straight Path. May Allah bless us all during Ramadan, and throughout the year, with His forgiveness, mercy, and peace, and bring us all closer to Him and to each other.
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Guidelines to reduce the risk of getting A(H1N1)

The keyword is social distancing

* keep 1 metre (3 feet)** away from anyone with flu-like symptoms

* try not to stay long in an enclosed space when someone with flu symptoms is present

* since flu is spread by large droplets, a distance of 1-metre is sufficiently safe. Studies have shown that people staying in an enclosed space together with an infected person for 4 hours or more, are at high risk of contracting the same flu. Therefore, it is probably safe if you happened to pass a flu patient on the street because of the short time and it is not really an “enclosed” space

Some simple preventive measures -

* always wash your hands with soap and water

* use rinse-free hand-rub if you have no access to soap - carry a bottle with you all the time - commercial branded 50ml bottles cost around RM4-RM5 while in-house pharmacy brands cost RM3.90 for 60ml

* people with flu symptoms should cover their mouth and nose when coughing (cough etiquette) and it is preferable for them to wear a surgical mask to prevent the spread of the disease when coughing

* if you need to assist or care for a flu patient, you may wear a surgical mask - dispose of it after use and wash your hands

The biggest culprit is the spread by droplets. Surfaces of tables, door-knobs, hand-rails, elevator buttons …. are all potentially infected by the ‘flu virus when the droplets land on them. Our hands will pick up the virus and when we rub our mouth, nose or eyes, we infect ourselves. We need not meet an infected person. Therefore it is very important to disinfect your hands at all times.

If someone has no option but to stay in a room with someone coughing, please give that person a surgical mask so that he/she does not accidentally spray droplets into the air that you will be breathing in. The crux of the matter is the infected person should wear the mask, not the uninfected person. Since it is large droplets, there is no need to get the expensive N95 masks; a cheap surgical mask will filter the large droplets sufficiently

posted in - Health tips, - Palmdoc

Taken from the USJ Forums
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Recite this Dua , Inshalla Allah will protect us against upcoming deadly diseases like swineflu etc

This Dua of Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him0 is narrated inNasai (Book of Hadith)

للّهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْجُنُوْنِ وَالْجُذَامِ وَالْبَرَصِ وَسَيِّئِ الْأَسْقَامِ

((رواه النسائي



'' OH Allah , I seek your refuge from insanity, mutilation, leprosy, and from all serious illness . Ameen
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Sunday, August 16, 2009




Ramadan is here,

Here is Ramadan.

Ramadan is coming,

The time that is blessed.

Ramadan is coming,

The time we love best.

The month in which the Qur'an was sent;

A time of great blessing in which to repent.

Fasting for Allah is a great Muslim deed;

Controlling desires and Suppressing greed.

Ramadan is coming,

Increase your Iman.

Ramadan is coming,

Recite the Qur'an.

Taking "Suhur" in the dead of the Night;

No eating no drinking during the daylight.

Refrain from bad deeds and repent for your soul;

The pleasure of Allah is our only goal.

Ramadan is coming, so let us prepare.

Ramadan is coming; there is peace everywhere,

Even if there is hunger, remember your Lord

And wait until 'Iftar' to earn your reward.

Fasting is one of the gifts of Allah

Given to believers to increase 'Taqwah'.

Ramadan is here, here is Ramadan.

Ramadan is coming, so seek the new Moon.

Ramadan is coming, it will be here soon.

We pray to Allah to put right our hearts;

Ask for forgiveness from Allah and make a new start.

Raising our hands we ask for his 'Rahmaa';

Hear us our Lord and grant us 'Jannah'.
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Thursday, August 13, 2009


1. Avoid unnecessary talking outside the exam hall before the exam. It’s too late to do anything now and listening to others about what they have revised, or not, might just damage your confidence

2. Commence with Bismillah. Read the paper/ exam question carefully (note how many questions need to be answered)

3. Decide on which questions you will answer. At first you might tick all those you can answer and then narrow them down further by preference if you have too many.

4. Divide your time equally in proportion to the marks available for each question/ sub question.

5. Re read the question, highlighting any key words

6. Make an answer plan. Even if it is only brief notes beside the question it will help you cover all your points and give a structure to your answer.

7,. Pray Bismillah and start answering the question, sticking with the time allocation you planned out and referring back to the question so you actually answer the question and not go off track.

8. Write clearly – the examiner cannot mark what they cannot read! Leave a line space between your main points/ paragraph to help the examiner mark your work.

9. Avoid the post-mortam analysis after the exam with friends and other students.

10. Perform 2 units of prayer and make dua in gratitude to Allah that the exam went well and that He grants you success.

11. Always read Koran.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Eat well during exams

Exam season is on and every parent will want to help their children stay physically and mentally healthy through out this time. There is no doubt about it - exams really are exhausting. The best way to get over the final hurdle is to keep revising according to a timetable, take plenty of breaks and get out into the fresh air for a break.

The diet plays an important role in their well being. The right foods protect child's body and mind. They also improve marks by boosting academic performance on the exam day. Of course, parents should feed children well throughout life, but there are times when foods can make the difference between success and failure. A healthy balanced diet should consist of whole grain cereals, legumes, sprouted pulses, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Non vegetarians can include eggs and fish.

The best diet food during exams is lots of fresh foods as close to their natural state as possible, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouted pulses, fish and egg. They help to activate memory by stimulating the release of neurotransmitters, brain chemicals involved in receiving, processing, storing, and accessing information optimally when needed most during exams. The worst foods are all the processed, soft drinks, cookies, cakes and junk food are best to be avoided. They inhibit brain function.

Breakfast is the most important food of the day. It is important children should never skip breakfast since it has proved that it causes lack of concentration in studies, weak memory, and stunted physical growth. This meal is very important since it meet the needs of the nourishment after the 10 -12 hours of gap.

An ideal breakfast must provide at least 30 to 40% of total calorie requirement of a person. Skipping breakfast is very harmful to the body. Eat a sustaining breakfast such as whole meal toast, whole grain cereal porridge like oats, wheat flakes, broken wheat, milk or yoghurt or eat stuffed vegetable or panner chapattis with curd or sandwiches with egg or sprouts or idli, sambhar for a very healthy and whole some diet. Including some fresh fruits or fruit juices are also very healthy.

Protein activates neurotransmitters and stimulates memory. And the brain has to have fat, because it is 70% fat. It needs fat from the diet, especially the "good fats" - essential fatty acids because our body does not make them so we have to supply from out side. Fish contain the essential fatty acids especially the salmon, mackerel and sardines. Eggs are also good for protein and fats. But too much of fatty food will make the child drowsy and sleepy. Because of this high quality essential fatty acids is to be taken in moderation and should avoid butter, ghee, cheese, and other oily foods.

It would be good to have health drinks like bournvita, hot chocolate, horlicks or complan or soy vita instead of tea and coffee since tea and coffee are stimulants and cause sleep disturbance, muscular tension, anxiety etc. But if a person is used to take coffee or tea regularly should not avoid fully because sudden fall of caffeine level in blood will interfere with the brain function. A good liquid boost before an exam is good. A few almonds crushed to a paste and blended milk or Fresh fruit juices like orange or grape or fresh pineapple are good. Pineapple contains an enzyme, bromelain that activates neurotransmitters involved in memory.

The best liquid to drink before and during an exam is water. Water is essential as a body lubricant for various organs. Mucus that lubricates the digestive tract and the respiratory tract saliva, which makes it possible for us to, swallow the food, all contain water as an important component. So don't forget the elixir of life water during these exam days. Often fatigue and mild headaches is a sign that you are becoming dehydrated. If you don't consume enough water, your output of energy will drop. Carry a water bottle with you, and drink periodically throughout the day. Water speeds up brain function. Too little water slows it down and dehydrates the brain. When the brain dehydrates, it releases cortisol, a hormone that shrinks dendrites, the tree-like branches in the brain that store information and create memory.

If you plan to stay awake through out the night. Eat a light meal at night. Avoid oily or fried snacks as these will only make you sleepy. If you are taking coffee through out the night then eat something light along with it for eg a biscuit or rusk.

Non strenuous exercise is another essential during exam time. Gentle walking, swimming, jogging, cycling and jumping support memory function and help to de-stress students. Be sure to take out time for some fun everyday. Having a good laugh is a great way to de-stress and have fun.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009


presenting with full confidence............
At last....... it's all over.....!!!!!
waiting for the school bus.......

J-QAF’s Carnival is over.Congratulations to all contestants for doing well in the Kalam Jamaie.(Arabic Choral Speaking),Arabic Quiz and Koran Reciting Competition. Alhamdulillah.

The hardwork and patience showed by the trainers contributed to the SUCCESS.We are really proud of the committment given by the contestants during the training sessions.

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Several UPSR modules were created to assist and guide pupils from all levels in answering the questions in Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the English UPSR paper so as to upgrade the percentage of passes for the ENGLISH in UPSR for the schools in the state of Perak…GALUS,REACT and the latest module. WRITE IT RIGHT…These programmes are focused mainly on techniques to tackle in Paper 1 and 2. ALHAMDULILLAH.

Hopefully 'MIRACLE' will occur in the UPSR 2009 English RESULT..Insya-Allah…….Thanks to the MASTER MIND of the programmes mentioned above..

What will the next module be ???? Only ALLAH knows….Maybe,after the post mortem of UPSR 2009 result,someone will come out with a NEW programme for English..Wallahualam

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Tears Never did Stop

The Tears Never did Stop

by Shazah Sabuhi

I set my foot inside the Holy Mosque,
Upon the cold, white marble, Where day and night,

People sat worshipping, praying,
The tears never did stop.

Right and left, the Mosque being cleaned,
Shining, not a particle of dust,

The carvings of marble, the plates of gold,
The symmetry of the whole Mosque, the largest of it all,
The tears never did stop.

Then came the grandest of the whole,
The center of one's life and concerns,

The big, Beautiful House of Allah,
Covered with black cloth and gold leaf writing,
The tears never did stop.

My life flashed past me, the good and the bad,
such a feeling I had never felt before,
A special bondage to the Almighty-A sudden chill in me,
The tears never did stop.

Looking around, the large floor was filled with people,
Circling the beautiful house, loudly chanting,
People sitting, praying for forgiveness,
Praying for another chance to lead a better life,
The tears never did stop.

Taking a deep breath, I entered the never ending crowd,
With my heart pouring out all the prayers I could think of,
Begging for forgiveness of my sins,
Praying to become a better individual
The tears never did stop.

I ran around the black house,
The ancient, black house built by Ibrahim centuries ago,
Where not one second passes when people are not circling it, praying,
The tears never did stop.

I got closer as did my heart, mind and soul,
I touched the sacred house, hands trembling,
Knowing I was as close as ever to the Almighty,
The tears never did stop.

It was amazing, everyone centered their attention only on worshipping
All worldly concerns forgotten, focused on praying,
Forgetting everyday matters and happenings,
The tears never did stop.

The rituals were tiring, took strength and time,
But what is a few hours for our Giver? Our Creator?
For what He has given us, the worldly goods, the luxuries,
A few hours of forgiveness for our sins,
The tears never did stop.

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Friday, August 7, 2009

OPPssss....UPSR is just around the corner

31 days more to go for UPSR. TEACHERS haVE done their part,so do the pupils.. As teachers introduce their latest and best techniques on tackling the exam questions , hopefully the pupils too will do their part trying their very best to absorb the techniques taught.

Reciting al-Quran after completing their school work will help a refresh their memories..Insya-Allah.

"O Allah, fill my pupils hearts with true englightenment, wisdom, understanding and knowledge.May they be able to apply what they had learnt during the examination.".Insya-Allah
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Many experts contend that regular exercise is the single most important thing we can do to improve overall health and well-being and to prevent disease.Exercise increases levels of brain chemicals that encourage the growth of nerve cells. This may explain why aerobic activity enhances memory skills, and why moderately strenuous physical activity is strongly associated with successful brain aging

Everyone can enjoy physical activity at little or no cost. It does not require health club membership, fancy machines, or spandex clothing. All it takes is a little initiative. Even moderate physical activity can impart significant health benefits.

Recent studies from the Centers for Disease Control show that getting about 30 minutes of exercise a day—even if you get in only 10-minutes at a time—on most days of the week can provide many of the same health benefits as far more strenuous activity.

How Does Exercise Affect the Brain?

Recent neuroscience reports have shed new light on this basic question, revealing some intriguing facts about how exercise affects the brain. "It's sort of surprising to think about," says Carl W. Cotman, PhD, neurobiologist at University of California-Irvine and a Dana Alliance member. "You're literally building the structure of the brain, just by moving your feet."

Regular exercise helps your brain by...

• Improving concentration and attention: Brain imaging studies show that highly-fit older adults have faster reaction times—an indication of better concentration—than their less-fit counterparts. They also are better able to focus on relevant information and ignore irrelevant cues, indicating better attention.

• Reducing gray matter loss: Highly fit people also show less of a decrease in gray matter in the cortex than is normally seen with aging, which may suggest a protective effect of exercise against nerve cell death. This effect is most pronounced in areas of the brain involved in executive cognition that typically decline most with aging.

• Promoting neurogenesis: Neurogenesis is the production of new nerve cells as a result of neuronal cell division. Laboratory animals that are allowed to voluntarily run on an exercise wheel show increases in the generation and survival of new neurons (brain cells) in the hippocampus (the area of the brain involved in short term memory). This increased neurogenesis is associated with improved learning.

• Strengthening synapses: In animals, running also increases the strength of synaptic connections. This occurs through the same molecular mechanism that is believed to underlie long-term memory formation.

• Changing gene patterns: Exercise induces changes in the expression patterns of a wide array of genes, with some becoming more active and some showing less activity. Many of the genes that become more active are known to play roles in the structure and adaptability of synapses, suggesting a direct role for exercise in synapse density.

• Increasing growth factors: Growth factors are molecules that promote the health of specific cells; they are produced by cells other than the ones they nourish. Nerve growth factors (neurotrophins) play vital roles in nourishing and supporting nerve cells. A growth factor called BDNF (for brain-derived neurotrophic factor) increases significantly in the brains of animals that run voluntarily. Separate studies show that when people with depression exercise in addition to taking antidepressants, their BDNF levels go up and their depression symptoms decrease.

• Enhancing blood flow: Exercise also increases the density and size of brain capillaries, which has the effect of increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain. This may in turn help support the survival of new neurons and facilitate faster "firing" by neurons.

Make a Smart Move!

What can regular exercise do for you? It can…

• Increase self-esteem and self-confidence
• Reduce anxiety and stress
• Improve mood
• Improve sleep
• Increase energy
• Decrease the risk of heart disease and help prevent risk factors such as obesity and high blood pressure
• Reduce body fat by increasing the body's calorie burning efficiency
• Slow the rate of bone loss with age
• Enable the body to use insulin more efficiently
• Lower the risk of certain cancers, including cancers of the breast, uterus, and colon
• Improve cardiovascular health
• Help control weight and prevent obesity
Before you begin any new physical activity or exercise program, speak with your doctor about what is right for you.
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Monday, August 3, 2009



You have the ability to bond with your students, to understand and resonate with their feelings and emotions. To communicate on their level. To be compassionate with them when they are down and to celebrate with them when they are up.

Positive Mental Attitude

You are able to think more on the positive and a little less on the negative. To keep a smile on your face when things get tough. To see the bright side of things. To seek to find the positives in every negative situation. To be philosophical.

Open to Change

You are able to acknowledge that the only real constant in life is change. You know there is a place for tradition but there is also a place for new ways, new ideas, new systems, and new approaches. You don't put obstacles in your way by being blinkered and are always open and willing to listen to others' ideas.

Role Model

You are the window through which many young people will see their future. Be a good one.


You are able to motivate your students by using creative and inspirational methods of teaching. You are different in your approach and that makes you stand out from the crowd. Hence the reason why students enjoy your classes and seek you out for new ideas.

Sense of Humor

You know that a great sense of humor reduces barriers and lightens the atmosphere especially during heavy periods. An ability to make your students laugh will carry you far and gain you more respect. It also increases your popularity.

Presentation Skills

You know that your students are visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learners. You are adept at creating presentation styles for all three. Your body language is your main communicator and you keep it positive at all times. Like a great orator you are passionate when you speak. But at the same time you know that discussion and not lecturing stimulates greater feedback.


You know that the aggression, negative attitudes and behaviours that you see in some of your students have a root cause. You know that they are really scared young people who have come through some bad experiences in life. This keeps you calm and in control of you, of them and the situation. You are good at helping your students de-stress.


You know that no one is more important in the world than anyone else. You know that everyone has a place in the world. You respect your peers and your students. Having that respect for others gets you the respect back from others.


You know that you can change a young person's life by helping them to realise their potential, helping them to grow, helping them to find their talents, skills and abilities.
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Sunday, August 2, 2009

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