I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan
In the name of Allah the Merciful the Beneficent
Greetings and welcome O month of Ramadan
Greetings and welcome O month of the Qur'an
Greetings and welcome O month of light
Greetings and welcome O month of gathering
Greetings and welcome O month of the poor
Greetings and welcome O month of repentence and return
Greetings and welcome O month of invocation and standing in supplication
Greetings and welcome O month of the poor and the weak
Greetings and welcome O month of doing one's best
Greetings and welcome O month of the sinners
Greetings and welcome O month of victory and success
Greetings and welcome O month of intimate discourse and glorification
Greetings and welcome O month of the call and the guidance
Greetings and welcome O month of rest-between-prayers and standing to pray
Greetings and welcome O month of lanterns and lights
Greetings and welcome O month of coffers and treasures
Greetings and welcome O month of angels and safety
Greetings and welcome O month of breaking fast and eating before the fast
Greetings and welcome O month of tilling and of deafness to sin
Greetings and welcome O month of the weak
Greetings and welcome O month of repayment and reward
Greetings and welcome O month of fast and patience
Greetings and welcome O month of felicity
Greetings and welcome O month of the key
Greetings and welcome O month of union and reunion
Greetings and welcome O month of friendship and love
Greetings and welcome O master of all months
We have not treated you according to your immense price
Nor truly sanctified you, O month of forgiveness,
But be pleased with us nevertheless, do not blame us before the Merciful,
And testify for us with grace and goodness!